Creative Excerpts

College Work

Writing has always been my first and foremost passion. It’s the first thing I did outside of school that could be considered constructive (as much as I would love to count logging hours on Super Mario Bros as constructive). I would write out little stories on legal pads from my mom’s office, until I discovered the wondrous invention that is Microsoft Word. From then on, there was no stopping me. I would type out anything and everything that came into my mind — stories, poems, journal entries, recipes, movie scripts, you name it — all of which my parents have scanned and saved on a hard disk in case they want to embarrass me when I bring a date home.

As I got older, my writing style matured into longer stories and essays, until I found out about the National Novel Writing Month program in my junior year of high school. The program — shortened to Nanowrimo — challenges writers all over the world to write 50,000 words in the month of November. The goal is to get as much out onto the paper without listening to your inner editor; it’s much easier to edit something that’s written out rather than an idea that’s bouncing around in your head. I jumped headfirst into the program and haven’t looked back! Every year since that fateful November of 2013, my mom and I have both competed in Nanowrimo and won. It’s a fun, low-stress outlet to write out all the creative ideas that are swimming around in your mind, and it’s something that I’m incredibly grateful to participate in every year.

I also love expository writing, and try to challenge myself to try new styles all the time. When I got to college, my only experience was writing research papers (usually geared around passing some sort of placement exam) and the occasional article for the school magazine. Through my time at BU, I’ve been able to experiment with writing features, travel articles, press releases, web content, UX books, and yes, more research papers.

Since July 2019, I’ve been writing blog entries and web content as part of various contract jobs. The selections below are for clients that I’ve worked with in my contracts at Dealer Inspire and The Paramount Group, including 3D Sports Medicine, Findlay Hyundai, Barfield Contracting, and more.